
Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/10/23 03:02


Long hallway with HIGH ceilings. Records stuck to the ceiling. White walls. Maybe a strip of color along the middle of the walls. Make record labels (and SOME of the records themselves) different colors. Doors? A guy at the far end of the hallway, standing, maybe floating (wings?), wearing skinny jeans. Onlooker should have a sense of interest in who/what this person is, what they are doing.

For the surfaces (walls and ceiling), I think Illustrator has a feature that allows you to distort 2D art so that it has some perspective. Could create surfaces in Illustrator as EPS and place them as objects in Illustrator. That way they are editable as 2D images but appear to be in perspective. Will need to plan out how big the 2D surface would need to be.