Face Forward
Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/10/11 02:33
- logo
- business card
- letterhead
- envelope
- magazine ads
- infographic
- bumper stickers/window vinyls
- posters
- billboards (use sections of info graphic)
- keychain fob
- website
Social Media
- Facebook - Lots of people, young and old
- Instagram - Visual platform with lots of younger people
- Twitter - Platform has a lot of people who are socially conscious
- Snapchat - Younger audience to target with more visually rich content (Maybe even create a filter?)
Banner Ads
I want to create these in lots of different sizes
- Animate isometric cars so they are moving towards isometric people, about to hit them. See billboard mockups.
- Logo
- Isometric illustrations
- Fonts
- Primary
- Secondary