Ubuntu Zine
Make a zine about how to install and use ubuntu.
Include basic/intermediate terminal commands. Courier font.
Include fave programs.
Explain synaptic package manager vs Ubuntu's software downloader thingy.
File systems: ntfs fat32 and whatever mac uses. The difference between these systems is like the difference between lined paper, graph paper, and blank paper. You can write on it all. the difference is the way you write on it. You can write a note (or file) into the lined paper (ntfs file system) and it will look completely different than if you had written it on thegraph paper (fat32 file system). Maybe use images of the same code hand written on each type of paper.
Talk about open source. Source code.
Talk about ubuntu alternatives to other expensive software. Gimp, scribus, blender, etc.
Maybe mention virtualization software.
Different versions of Ubuntu (Lubuntu)
Maybe make this about Linux in general?