Linux Commands

Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04


  1.  apt-get
  2.  cat
  3.  cd
  4.  chmod
  5.  clear
  6.  cp
  7.  df
  8.  du
  9.  echo
  10.  getconf LONG_BIT
  11.  hostname
  12.  ifconfig
  13.  init 0
  14.  ip a
  15.  locate
  16.  ls
  17.  man/--help
  18.  mkdir/rmdir
  19.  mv
  20.  nano/vi/jed
  21.  netstat
  22.  ping
  23.  poweroff
  24.  ps
  25.  pwd
  26.  rm
  27.  shutdown
  28.  sudo
  29.  sudo halt/sudo reboot
  30.  tar
  31.  touch
  32.  uname
  33.  zip/unzip

Command Syntax


On the command line, a switch consists of a switch specifier, either a dash delete or a forward slash accept, followed by the name of the switch. Switch names cannot be abbreviated.

Some switches take an argument after the switch name. No spaces or tabs are allowed within a switch specification. Switch names are not case sensitive, but arguments can be case sensitive.

Switch can be used in any place in command line.