12th March 2014

Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04

I'm considering getting a flag for the flag pole in the front yard. However, I feel like any flag other than an American flag in this state will get us shot, beaten, or at least get our windows smashed in. Maybe I'm being prejudicial. I just think it would be awesome to have a pirate flag in the yard. Or a world flag. Or something considered equally subversive in Indiana.

I hate to point out my own shortcomings but as you may have noticed, I didn't get very far in my habit building exercise. It's a work in progress... I did get past two days though, contrary to the number of posts here in this little journal. My chalkboard worked for a little while but I have such an erratic schedule that a Monday through Friday board makes no sense. My next solution for this is to take the board to a smaller scale, maybe paper. I can get more info on a sheet of paper, write smaller, and save logs of my to-do lists. Plus I'll have room for weekend. I just need to make a table, maybe in Google sheets, and print a bunch at school. I always have the option of taking photos of these logs and saving them to Evernote. This sounds like a pretty good plan so far.

I got a new backpack the other day. It's fucking huge. Like, well suited for a week long camping trip. I know it seems excessive but I think this may be a step in a good direction in regards to building my exercise habit. It has room for my exercise stuff (shoes, shorts, socks, etc.) and is still light enough even with the extra weight. I can take it with me when I go to work or to school and change into and out of my exercise clothes easily. Working towards self improvement, yay!