Jobs Applied For

Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04

I may archive this. I should be using JobHero to track jobs and follow up.


It may be helpful to add a "date applied" field to future jobs in order to schedule a follow up at the best time possible.

It would be potentially helpful to include more information about how the interview went, what was asked, whether a follow up would help or hinder, and so forth.

Include position of contact, if available. Also include date of application submission, date of result, if any, and date of follow up. Maybe also a Comments section.

Might also be good to include the text of or link to a copy of the resume used.

This page is a running list of jabs I have applied for in order to follow up with whoever the contact is. It could also be helpful to know what jobs I have applied for already and should not apply for again too soon after.

Company: Elkhart truth 
Position: Ad sales 
Contact: Jennifer Lambert 
Result: interviewed...

Company: Firefly 
Position: Graphic designer 
Contact: Leon Bontrager 
Result: interviewed and denied via e-mail

Company: South Bend Tribune 
Position: Graphic Designer 
Contact: HR 
Result: Denied via e-mail

Company: UISB IT Department 
Position: Student Worker 
Contact: Mike Fletcher 
Result: Interview offered via e-mail. Interview completed, no call-back yet.

Company: Ivie and Associates 
Position: Advertising Specialist 
Contact: N/A 
Result: None yet
