Cardboard Box Book Scanner

Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04


Simple book scanner made from cardboard that folds up when not in use. Rubber bands could hold cameras in place. Could have them plugged into a laptop that controls the cameras and processes the images.

Images to come.


  • Cardboard/foamcore
  • Paper tape of some kind (masking tape or gaffers tape)
  • 2x Digital cameras
  • Rubber bands


Include information and pictures of the small scale prototype made from card stock. May build another to actual scale using cardboard or foam board.


Design schematics of the scanner in Adobe Indesign or Adobe Illustrator with fold lines, cut lines, etc. Upload PDF version to Google Drive and include link to it here.


Write about cameras that could be used. Should be digital, relatively cheap, reliable, and easy to use and interface with software. NO ACTION CAMERAS. The wide angle lens would fuck up the images. Must be ~50mm lens.


Write about different existing software that could be used to control the cameras and potential features of software that does not exist yet, may have someone build it.