11th August 2018

Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04

I started reading a really interesting book last night called The Metabolism Plan. It is the first thing I've read (or heard or seen) that makes sense for how I've been feeling. These last few years have shown a steady increase in generalized pain in various parts of my body, most notably my jaw. According to the book, certain foods could be causing inflammation in different areas of our bodies. It's not the same for everybody so it can be really hard to pin down. The book recommends a sort of detox diet and a steady reintroduction of foods in order to discern which ones could be causing inflammation.

I think the hardest part of this plan will be convincing Jamie to join me in trying it out. She's not the most open minded person when it comes to "health crazes". She's very suspicious of success stories, and I know she will be especially suspicious of one that seems so simple. I think the best way to introduce her to it is to get her to read the book. While it's not the typical fiction she reads about fantasy and murder mystery, I think she would get the idea a lot better than if I was to explain it. Let's face it, I kind of suck at explaining things that I am new to understanding.

Like I said, I still have a lot of the book left to read, so I will probably get a bit further in before discussing it with Jamie and really jumping into the plan. For now it's business as usual, but I will definitely be paying more attention to how my body reacts to certain foods. I really think that dairy is one of them. Which makes me sad because I love half and half in my coffee and I love cheese. But if it means making myself feel better and lose weight, I will try anything.