13th April 2014

Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04

The ad sales interview went OK. It wasn't phenomenal by any means. But I didn't bomb it. Better than I could have expected. I had a pretty good rapport going with the woman interviewing me, until her boss cam in late from a meeting and threw off the whole vibe. He asked a couple questions and the interview was over. The other interview, which as it turns out, wasn't at the Elkhart Truth like I had originally thought, went less well. It didn't go badly but I didn't ace it. Being distracted by the Jesus wallpaper didn't help the situation at all though. The guy was nice and seemed like he liked me but I really did not like him. I was good enough to be nice to him anyway but I feel like I may have started to throw the interview just because I didn't want the job at that moment.

This experience does make me feel better about applying to other jobs and actually getting called back. I think I found the perfect storm of resume and cover letter approach. Hopefully I can continue this spree and get a bunch more interviews.

Jamie suggested making a list or a spreadsheet of jobs I've applied to. In a spreadsheet I could list the e-mail address, the response, the date, etc. This is definitely a doable approach that could help my process.