8th November 2013

Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04

So it's only day 2 and I missed a workout. I don't feel that bad because 1) I started a job today and 2) I expected to have slip ups. As a sort of penance I'm going to TRY to do 2 workouts tomorrow. If it's not possible, it's not possible, but I'm still going to give it a shot. Still sore from yesterday too so I'm a tiny bit glad I missed today (don't tell anyone) because I would have died. Let's see how tomorrow goes... Sigh.

I forgot to mention in my last entry how my first day of new job went. Orientations are always annoying. Most retail jobs are exactly the same, just with different branding and buzz words. Don't steal, duh. Don't be rude, double duh. Spent 4 hours watching cheesy videos and filling out forms. This is going to be a short-lived job. I could live with this for a year, max. Which means I would rather not do it for more than 6 months but will suffer for a year. Today I remembered why I hate retail.