Customizing Tiddlywiki

Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04


Adding icons to pages (appears to the left of the page title) is accomplished by adding a field at the bottom of the page when in edit mode. In the "field name" field, select icon. In the "field value" field, enter the image name including the file extension (ie palette.png).

Custom Fonts

Custom icon font called FontAwsome can be added via the plugin panel.


According to a few sources, the mere inclusion of a system tiddler called $:/favicon.ico with an icon included will result in the default browser favicon being replaced with the one in the system favicon tiddler. Unfortunately, it seems that doesn't work for me. I'm guessing it's because of my reliance on TiddlyDrive. This setup opens my Wiki in a new tab with an address outside of GoogleDrive entirely. It may be some kind of container that displays my Wiki's HTML content without it being stored locally and somehow in that process prevents things like favicons from displaying like they should. I may test this by downloading the wiki and opening it directly in a browser. Update to come.

Custom Journal Buttons

I want to create some custom journal buttons so I can easily create journals that have specific purposes. So if I want to make a new FoodJournal, I can just hit the FoodJournalbutton and a new page is created with a custom title and tags.


Custom Color

Use the tag manager to select a custom color. I'd like to have the color coding make sense and be as obvious as possible.

Custom Icon

Use the tag manager to select an icon for all tags that need one. Some tags may need to have the same icon. If they do need to have the same icon, it would be best if they were related somehow, maybe linked in some way.

Journal Polls

I believe I read somewhere that there is either a feature or a plugin that allows users to create polls in Tiddlywiki. I think this might be useful in Journals so that each time a new journal is created, it includes a poll by default that allows me to choose how I'm feeling at that particular time. I can use the reaction icons to make it really simple. I'll have to look into whether or not this is doable.

I must have been mistaken about the poll creation thing. I would love to figure out a way to do this though. Both embedding a poll in a Tiddler, as well as making it a template.


I'd like to be able to make templates so that when I create a specific type of page, like a new Appliance page, it already has all the headings created so I don't have to do so much building at the beginning.

This may not be possible. May have to utilize a text expander app.


I'd like to be able to easily create tables by typing a series of words or a phrase or symbols. Maybe this can be accomplished with a text expander app.

Image Gallery

This link seems like a great way to create image galleries. I can't tell for sure whether external images can be used without embedding them. I may have to come up with a workaround wherein I embed thumbnails for the gallery images and somehow link to them externally when the image is clicked on.

The filter feature seems useful. The example only uses the type of image file but it appears that adding a tag filter is very simple. The filter in the example reads [type[image/jpeg]] but can be easily altered to include a specific tag like so: [type[image/jpeg]tag[sometag]]. So as an example if I wanted to create a gallery for my TheSaintIAint zine I could tag all images associated with that zine with a tag of the same name, I can use the filter [type[image/jpeg]tag[TheSaintIAint]] to produce the desired images. That way, any new images added to this notebook with that particular tag will automatically be included in that gallery. Magic!

Another simpler option is this method, which uses the list widget. Not really sure how that works exactly but it seems relatively straightforward.

Image galleries may be outside the realm of possibility with TW and I think I may need a different solution. I'm considering using an external image hosting site that I could link to externally. The ideal hosting site would have the following features: free hosting at original size, hotlinking, decent gallery interface, tagging.

Contacts Database

This plugin looks great for this.

On second thought, the GTD Wiki I've begun setting up may work better for this. Maybe the two can be used in conjunction? We'll have to test them together to see if they can function side-by-side. The formatting of the Contacts DB plugin is a little better (using custom fields), something the GTD Wiki is lacking in it's present state.

Better Task Lists

This method for creating and keeping track of tasks looks very interesting. I like that there are fewer steps to creating tasks. Instead of hitting the + button, adding the task tag, entering a title, and then entering a description; all I have to do is write out a task and it automatically gets tagged as a task. And if I want to add a description I can do so by clicking the task and typing into the tiddler body. Assuming the plugin is easy to install I plan to use this for sure. I will have to add the tiddler to the list to be displayed at startup. And also get rid of the old task setup.

This should all be better accomplished once the GTD Wiki workflow is more ingrained.


This wiki has some helpful info on markup. Stuff that isn't even mentioned elsewhere, that I've seen anyway.

HTML Converter Plugin

Let's test this out with the LJ backups I created (see GoogleDrive).


I may have found something pretty perfect. There's a version of TW called GSD, seen here, that I could use separately from this wiki (but link to, i think?) to take care of projects, tasks, and contacts. It looks pretty decently made for what it is.

There's an option to just drop the Plugin into this wiki but I really don't want to fuck around with how this wiki is working. I like it how it is. The GSD wiki should be separate because it's more process-based, while this one is more information-based.

This plugin may work. Look into it.

Customizing GTD Wiki

Plugins To Install

Appear -

Reminder Macros -

Calendar -

Date -

Tiddlers Bar -

Top Menu Toolbar -

Date -

Rename Tags -

Pretty Dates -

New Here -