Wiki Workflow

Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04


Plan out how journaling should work. Schedule maybe?

What goes into this wiki? Anything that can be inserted into the HTML file without making it insanely huge. Pertinent articles and tutorials from Pocket, info about any aspect of my life that can prove useful as reference and can be represented at text (or mostly text), journals, etc.


Link to Pocket articles

Image Linking

Not a lot of image hosting sites that allow hotlinking. May have to look into self-hosting options. Can I do this in OMV?

Linking Other File Types

Will Google Drive work for this? Let's run a test and see if it will work. Ideally the file will just open in a new tab or window without downloading anything.



Headers should use the H1 header wiki formatting as well as the bold wiki formatting. Headers should be short, only a few words, and be written in title case. In addition, a line break should be used directly below the header line in order to easily navigate to a section. The line break is achieved by typing out a set of three dashes.


Subheads should use the H2 header wiki formatting and be written in title case. No other formatting is required.


For any content that is not meant to be a permanent part of a page, meant to be directive or referential for myself regarding further editing, content inclusion or exclusion, etc. This content will need to be bold and italic. The formatting should be organized so that italic wiki markdown is on the outside while bold wiki markdown is on the inside. Ideally this content should be minimal, only a few lines, separated by a full return above and below. Ideally, these should be placed either at the top of an article (if it is urgent or important) or at the top of a section, below the header or subhead.


Blah blah blah text.

Here is an example of a callout.

Blah blah blah text...

Call and Response

For any content where a question is asked and an answer provided (ie FAQ or troubleshooting guide) the "call" should be bold and the response should be italic. Depending on the situation, calls and responses may be separated by a soft return.

Example: Here is a call. Here is a response.

Frequently certain words trigger the camel case automatic wiki linking when it is not wanted. A word like WiFi, for example, will create a wiki link when it is not necessary or wanted. Depending on the situation, a hyphen could be added, a space could be added, a single capital could be used, or monospace wiki formatting could be used.


Blah blah blah Wifi blah blah blah.


Blah blah blah Wi-Fi blah blah blah.


All Lowercase

Tags written in all lowercase are meant for making pages easier to find when searching for key words. An example of this is the "stub" tag. I wouldn't necessarily want to keep all stub articles linked within a page (which is accomplished anyway in the Tag Manager) but I don't want that tag getting lost among all the others. I also don't want all pages associated with that tag to clutter up my Contents list. That would show multiple instances of the same page in different areas when it may not be entirely necessary.

Title Case

Tags written in title case are meant for displaying in the nested Contents list in order to keep pages visually organized.

Word & Definition

In cases where I need to create a dictionary of sorts this could come in handy. I will be trying it out in OperatingSystem to describe how specific commands work.


Try to write these daily, weekly at the least. Make them detailed. Write about events that happened that day, physical health, emotional health, mood, etc.


Maybe write as a nested list. Be detailed, include ingredients when available. If ingredients are unknown, look up recipes of similar items.

  • Breakfast
    • Item 1
    • Item 2
  • Lunch
    • Item 1
    • Item 2
  • Dinner
    • Item 1
    • Item 2
  • Snack
    • Item 1
    • Item 2