Linksys Router

Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04



Serial Number:

This is currently being used as a repeater bridge to Comcast Router to keep HOMECOMP connected to the network.

Apparently the wireless card in HOMECOMP is too old/slow to use for normal use. Gonna keep it as a repeater bridge but plug it into HOMECOMP via ethernet. That way I can have a faster connection for HOMECOMP and still connect wirelessly to Linksys Router with other devices. Also, may as well remove the old wireless card from HOMECOMP.

As a repeater bridge, I can still access the admin page, so It may be possible to set up port forwarding with this. Actually, it looks like the admin page is not accessible, on wired and wireless connection. I may go back to the video and rewatch it to see if I missed something. Could have sworn it said it would still be accessible.

I wonder if setting the Comcast Router to bridge mode will negate the repeater bridge setup on Linksys Router. Will I need to change the repeater bridge to connect to the Asus Router?



So this is out. Apparently the VPN capabilities of this particular router only allow PPTP, which is basically the most hackable VPN. I'm going to set this router to a repeater bridge. I'd like to try it set up somewhere in between HOMECOMP and Comcast Router so it is wirelessly connected to both.

I wonder if I need to be wirelessly connected to the virt network in order to log into the VPN admin page. Let's try that and see if the admin page comes up.

Port Forwarding

Find guide on setting this up. Should have something saved to Pocket.

Repeater Bridge

Pull up guide found on YouTube and transcribe instructions.