
Last modified by Justin Morgan on 2019/09/29 18:04


Pi-hole is a Linux network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking application which acts as a DNS sinkhole, intended for use on a private network.

Docker Setup

Instead of setting this up on a RaspberryPi, I'm installing this in Docker on HOMECOMP

This installed successfully after some minor troubleshooting, admin page opens fine. That's about as far as I've gotten though, so I'll need to configure things.

IP address:

Admin page:

So it looks like I might need to change the static DNS setting for the ComcastRouter, however, I don't see a way to change this in the router admin page. I'll have to look more into this.

OK, so after some hunting around, I have one option so far. I can switch the ComcastRouter to bridge mode, thereby making simply a modem, not a router, and plug in the LinksysRouter into it to handle all the routing (LAN and WAN). On the LinksysRouter, I can then set the DNS as described in the TechnoDadLife PiHole video. This seems to be the best option. I'll probably wait until I'm home alone to fuck around with the Internet so this might take a while to get around to.

Once I get the ComcastRouter set to bridge mode and the LinksysRouter plugged into that, I need to set the static DNS to the IP address of the PiHole ( Any other static DNS fields (if any) should be left blank.